Assessing Adelaide Accessibility

Greetings, esteemed members of the Intergalactic Council.

My fourth Earth report focuses on what the humans refer to as ‘accessibility.’ They aim to make the world navigable and comfortable for all individuals, regardless of physical or mental ability. An admirable goal, though I have to admit, execution varies across different parts of Adelaide.

I started my exploration with the city’s public transportation system. I observed several methods, including buses, trams, and something called a ‘tack see.’ They have taken significant strides in making their vehicles accessible. From lower floors in buses to priority seating, these humans are making a conscious effort. Yet, despite these efforts, I noticed that not all stops are equally accessible, leading me to wonder if the human ‘budget’ might be affecting these implementations.

This concept also extends to buildings, both public and private. I saw ramps alongside steps, wide corridors, and lifts—what they call ‘elevators.’ The NDIS high-intensity support services even extend to helping individuals access these facilities. But then there are older structures, designed before humans considered the diverse needs of their population. As a result, some buildings are, as they say here, ‘a tough nut to crack.’

I then came across SDA housing for disabled people in Adelaide. These are specially designed houses that cater to the needs of people with disabilities. Some even have technology that helps residents control various aspects of the house, like lighting or temperature, a bit like our bio-domes back home. Although it’s impressive, the number of these houses is relatively small.

The societal attitudes towards disability here are… diverse. Some humans display great understanding and empathy, while others seem unaware or avoidant. One human, noticing my ‘disguise,’ attempted to ‘help’ me by speaking slowly and loudly. I still have not deciphered how this was intended to assist.

As ever, I remain on Earth, learning and doing my best to blend in. I’ve been introduced to a food called ‘Vegemite.’ It’s a dark paste with a peculiar taste that they seem to love here. I can safely say it’s an acquired taste.

Until the next report,
